

Tag: Reserve Resiliency
  • First Sergeant duties ramp up during pandemic

    First Sergeant duties ramp up during pandemic
  • Sending care during the holidays

    “We, as a Reserve family, need to watch out for each other,” said Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, commander of the Air Force Reserve Command, recently in a note to Reserve Citizen Airmen.With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season in full swing it’s easy to forget about our Reserve family we may not see every day.For Eileen Collins and Staff Sgt.
  • An important component of resiliency: Communication

    “When we are able to listen and engage during good times; we form relationships with others. These relationships are important for resiliency because these are the people that we connect with during good times and bad.”This is what Jamie Ellis, director of 926th Wing Psychological Health, told more than 150 Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 555th RED
  • Spouse energizes university students to support the military

    Nearly 50 students, family members and spouses created care packages in Las Vegas June 20 to send to 926th Wing deployed Reserve Citizen Airmen.Spearheaded by Senior Airman Sandra Sanchez, a 926th Security Forces Squadron member and military spouse, nursing students and family members from Chamberlain University gathered on campus to fill boxes