If your question relates specifically to the 926th Wing, please email public affairs at 926GP.PA@nellis.af.mil. You can also find answers about the Air Force Reserve on the Questions page of Air Force Reserve Command, or answers about the Air Force on the Questions page of Air Force Link. For general military questions, please refer to the Department of Defense's FAQs page.


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Expand List item 1291Collapse List item 1291  Joining the 926th Wing
How can I join the 926th Wing?
If you are new to the Air Force Reserve, or are currently in the Air Force Reserve but are assigned to another base, call the Air Force Reserve Recruiting Office at (702) 652-0882.

If you are currently in the Air Force or Air Force Reserve assigned to Nellis Air Force Base, call the in-service recruiter at (702) 652-9423.

Expand List item 1292Collapse List item 1292  Reserve categories
What are the different types of reservists?
Traditional Reserve The TR is the customary program. TRs report for duty at least two days a month and two weeks a year. Their training days directly support Air Force Reserve Command-assigned missions.

Active Guard and Reserve
An AGR serves on active duty or full-time National Guard duty for a period of 180 consecutive days or more, up to several years in one assignment. The purpose of their duty is organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing or training Reserve components.

Air Reserve Technician
An ART carries dual status, working as a full-time DoD civil service employee and as a reservist performing the same job. ARTs are civilian employees throughout the five-day workweek and fulfill additional reserve training days twice a month and two weeks a year. ARTs wear the uniform as both civilian and military employees.

Individual Mobilization Augmentee
IMAs are assigned to active-duty units to do jobs that are essential in wartime but do not require full-time manning during times of peace. IMAs are required to perform a minimum of 24 training days throughout the year.

Air Force Locator


FOIA requests should be referred to:

4375 N. Washington Blvd.
Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7032
Phone: (702) 652-9822
Fax: (702) 652-7063 