OTS flight commander positions open to reservists Published Nov. 15, 2016 By Bo Joyner AFRC Public Affairs ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- The Air Force has opportunities for air reserve component members to tap into the Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty program in the Officer Training School at Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard officers in the grades of first lieutenant through major may now apply for the VLPAD program to fill available OTS flight commander positions. ARC members must meet eligibility requirements outlined in Air Force Instruction 36-2008, Voluntary Extended Active Duty (EAD) for Air Reserve Commissioned Officers.While activated, selected officers will receive active-duty benefits but will remain on the Reserve Active Status List and meet mandatory reserve promotion boards when eligible.“OTS is an incredibly rewarding experience for our flight commanders,” said Col. Stephen Frank, OTS commandant. “Every day, they have a unique opportunity to positively impact the future leadership of our Air Force.”“As one of three commissioning programs for the Air Force, OTS is part of the foundational structure upon which Air Force leadership is built,” according to the Air University website. “The OTS mission is to create leaders of moral character in an environment of mutual respect and dignity. The goal of this training and our instructors is to instill high standards of conduct and provide officer trainees with the essential military knowledge and skills needed for effective performance as Air Force leaders.“To ensure OTS graduates have the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective Air Force officers, OTS faculty members provide instruction and guidance in critical officership areas such as leadership studies, professional knowledge, communication skills, military studies and field leadership application. OTS instructors play a critical role in the future of our Air Force as they train, develop and mentor our newest officers.”For more information on this program, including eligibility criteria, OTS vacancies, the application process and medical clearance requirements, check out the knowledge article Officer Training School Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty (VLPAD) Program on the myPers website.OTS flight commander isn’t the only VLPAD program open to officers on the Reserve Active Status List. They can also apply for Air Force ROTC detachment commander, Air Command and Staff College instructor, mission support group deputy commander, Air University faculty, MQ-1-9 and T-6 instrument simulator instructor, and command rescue officer positions in the regular Air Force.Opportunities are also available for enlisted Airmen in a variety of career fields including maintenance, aircrew operations and command control systems operations.VLPAD information is available and continuously updated on myPers. Click “Officer/Enlisted Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty Program” from any reserve component assignments landing page to find detailed eligibility criteria and application procedures for each specific VLPAD program.Reservists with specific questions about applying for OTS or another Air University position under the VLPAD program should contact Col. Melissa Phillips, director of reserve forces at Air University, at 334-301-4334 or melissa.phillips@us.af.mil.