84th TES pilot awarded for Airmanship

  • Published
  • 926th Group public affairs
Lt. Col. Benjamin (Rex) A. Wysack, 84th Test and Evaluation Squadron F-16 Test Director/Operational Test Pilot, was selected as the Air Force Reserve Command's nominee for the 2015 Colonel James Jabara Award. 

"Rex has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership in the performance of his duties," said Col. Paul R. Fast, 926th Group Vice Commander.  "His dedication and hard work have contributed significantly to the public service of aviation and defense of his country."  

The award was established by the family of Colonel James Jabara in cooperation with the Air Force Academy and the association of graduates to recognize an Air Force Academy graduate's significant contributions to Airmanship.  This includes distinguished accomplishments of aircrew members as well as exceptional contributions with respect to design, production, or testing of an aerospace vehicle or its subsystems.