NCO Leadership Development Course graduates 11 reservists

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  • 926th Group public affairs
The 926th Group hosted a Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Development course graduation here Apr. 27, coordinating the ceremony for 22 Reserve and Regular Air Force members and their guests. The NCO Leadership Development Course is designed to heighten students' awareness of the dynamics of supervision and leadership in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on management, leadership, communication theories, and appropriate means of handling stress in the workplace. The course is administered in two phases, both consisting of three days of college classroom instruction from an accredited contracted college, followed by two days of military facilitation. Theories of leadership, management, and communication are covered in the college portion which is followed by experiential learning application activities during the military facilitation. Students who successfully complete the course receive two semester hours of college credit in management and communication, which is automatically transferred to the Community College of the Air Force, and is available to other college or university degree programs.