926th Group passes its first two command inspections

  • Published
  • By Maj. Jessica Martin
  • 926th Group public affairs
Months of preparation paid off for the 926th Group as it passed two major inspections held here Feb. 1-3.

Members underwent a Health Services Inspection and a Compliance Unit Inspection of its Total Force Integration operations within the United States Air Force Warfare Center here and the 432nd Wing at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.

"We looked at the inspection as an opportunity to cultivate continuity," said Col. John Breeden, 926th GP commander. "Doing the right things the right way wasn't about performing for a grade, but ensuring the success of our mission today and establishing expectations for those who come after us."

As an associate unit here, the 926th GP is forging the way for TFI by serving both Air Force Reserve Command and Air Combat Command. Members integrate compliance into their everyday operations by regularly working Management Internal Control Toolset checklists. This practice serves to highlight areas that need to be negotiated between Reserve and Regular Air Force counterparts.

Successful inspections like these help lay the ground work for future Air Force Instructions and public laws regarding TFI associations.

The HSI focused on the medical squadron, looking at 21 items from immunizations to deployment processing to infection control.
Concurrently, the CUI evaluated the group staff agencies and maintenance, flying, and force support squadrons on their ability to meet day-to-day standards. The team graded how well command-directed programs were administered, education and training progression, financial responsibility, and safety processes, among many other compliance factors.

The inspectors found everything to be in proper order and shared positive words as they departed.

"The morale of the 926th Group is very high, and people like being here," said Col. Carlos Halcomb, Air Force Reserve Command Inspection Team Chief. "This unit is really busy; it's doing a great job and executing the mission as expected."

The team recognized four Airmen as superior performers overall, and one category in the HSI received a perfect score.

The inspections were firsts for the unit which stood up in 2007. Since its activation, it has more than doubled in size, and increased manning authorizations by 48 percent.

"The 926th Group is AFRC's fastest growing unit, and the inspectors witnessed firsthand the success of the integration with our Regular Air Force partners here," Breeden said.

"We've set out on the right foot for the new year," he said. "Thank you all for the hard work you put in for the inspection, and for your effort, attention to detail and professionalism every day."