706th FS Airman named Air Force Reserve Command's best of 2012

  • Published
  • By Maj. Jessica Martin
  • 926th Group public affairs
A member of the 706th Fighter Squadron was recently awarded for his performance by Air Force Reserve Command.

Staff Sgt. Enrique Dejesus-Roig, integrated into the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center, was named AFRC's Aircrew Flight Equipment Noncommissioned Officer of 2012.
"Sergeant Dejesus-Roig is a recognized top performer," said Lt. Col. Dean Caldwell, 706th FS commander. "He has a proactive mindset and keen attention to detail."

As an AFE craftsman, Dejesus-Roig is responsible for regularly inspecting flight equipment and packing parachutes for the F-15C, F-15E, F-16, F-22 and A-10 aircraft, among many other duties.

AFRC recognized Dejesus-Roig for streamlining the spare equipment evaluation and storage process while exceeding safety standards, and benchmarking a Time Compliance Technical Order tracking system for the host wing. Additionally, he captured biometrics on 300 sorties which was critical for the F-22 to return to flight.

Dejesus-Roig joined the 706th FS in 2011, and through Total Force Integration has been working with both the U.S. Air Force Weapons School and the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron since that time. Before becoming a reservist, he served with the Regular Air Force for seven years.

TFI augments the RegAF mission with additional expertise and continuity. A majority of the reservists in the 706th FS came from the RegAF, and many from units at Nellis AFB.
Due to his experience, Dejesus-Roig was selected as one of two Airmen to provide AFE support for the Air Force's newest airframe, the F-35 Lighting II, at Nellis AFB.

"Dejesus-Roig is the perfect choice for the job with his skill set and long-term potential," said Caldwell. "He has helped forge the way ahead for our TFI operations and will continue to do so at the leading edge of the F-35 program."

Dejesus-Roig became qualified to work on the new system after training with the RegAF and Lockheed Martin at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

"To be one of the first Noncommissioned Officers in Charge of this program is humbling," Dejesus-Roig said. "The F-35 is a more advanced system, and it's a learning curve, but I'm able to tie in to what I already know. It's a challenge that I'm excited to begin."