NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Warriors and Heroes,
It’s daunting to see the volatility and hardships that have challenged our way of life in the past few months. COVID-19 threatens the freedoms that we as Americans have come to cherish and, in some cases, take for granted. Businesses, schools and entertainment venues are closed. We can’t congregate in crowds and the prosperity that has defined our country’s history seems poised for a possible sharp decline.
Not since 9/11 has such a crucible tested this nation’s leadership.
You are ready for this. You are Airmen. You have answered your nation’s call from the day you took your oath to support and defend the principles upon which our forefathers laid down their lives. You have lived words like honor and sacrifice. You must set the example when society faces unprecedented challenges.
I have seen you rise up. Our Airmen and Family Readiness Office has been working overtime to bring needed services to our families. Our First Sergeants and Chiefs have tirelessly distributed food to those who need it. Your fellow 926th Wingmen volunteer to serve on the promise of payment or lead their units without orders because of the need. Every one of you labors to keep this wing and our active duty partner missions running on staggered shifts, partial manpower and sequestered operations.
Please continue to be that example. Remind our fellow Americans what we can accomplish when we work together for the common good. Never Falter. We have prevailed in tough situations before.
You are a Wingman, a Leader, a Warrior and a Hero.
In the days to come, our resiliency will be further tested, but we must take care of one another, support our national defense and execute our mission. The decisions we make and our actions must safeguard our communities and our country and strengthen our future. It’s because of your Integrity, Excellence and Service Before Self that we will prevail.
I’m humbled to serve alongside you; keep calm and Airman on.