PENTAGON -- To the Men and Women of the Air and Space Forces:
On Jan. 20, we celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On this special day, please take a moment to reflect on the opportunities available to all Americans through Dr. King’s unrelenting dedication to equality. We owe Dr. King a debt of gratitude for opening new doors and creating better prospects for any citizen to serve their country with honor and pride.
For our team of professionals, our differences are a source of strength. It is one of the reasons we are the best air and space forces in the world. We have made great progress in our diversity and inclusion efforts—yet we must continually strive to realize Dr. King’s dream.
We are fortunate to defend this nation we all call home and we are proud to serve alongside you.
Barbara Barrett, Secretary of the Air Force
Gen. David Goldfein, U.S. Air Force chief of staff
Gen. John Raymond, U.S. Air Force chief of space operations