BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, COLO. -- “If we prepare our personnel properly by giving them opportunities to be educated and broaden their resumes through different assignment opportunities or educational opportunities they are going to be much better prepared to be the leaders of the future in this command,” said Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy, Air Force Reserve Command deputy commander, during his most recent visit to Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado.
Flournoy and a team of four colonels, came together Oct. 28 through Nov. 1 as the AY20/21 Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB). RDEDB selection process is held once a year and aims to align the most qualified Reserve officers with limited in-residence Professional Military Education and Developmental Education opportunities.
Applications for the RDEDB are typically due at the end of September each year. This notification is posted through the HQ ARPC website. Additionally, a notice will be sent via myPers message to those meeting the rank eligibility requirement once the application is open in vPC and the invitation to apply is posted on myPers.
“Applicants should thoroughly read and comprehend the invitation to apply, which provides information on how to apply and provides detailed information on each course as well as eligibility requirements,” said Maj. Tracy Maestas, HQ ARPC developmental education chief. “Applicants should ensure they submit a complete application to their rater as well as initiating direct communication with them regarding courses they are interested in prior to submitting the application in vPC. It’s important to select the right courses and the courses should complement the individual’s career path and goals.”
In order to be considered for a course assignment, applicants must have a current and passing fitness assessment, have a satisfactory participation summary for the past 5 years and must be able to meet the 3-year service commitment upon completion of the course.
Once the applications are received by HQ ARPC, the board convenes, typically in late October, to make their selections. Board members review each member’s RDEDB application, career data brief, last five evaluations, last three decorations, members ODP, DT vectors, military training and education, and civilian education. They then score the applicants based on whole-person concept, which includes depth and breadth of military experience and professional and leadership qualities.
“We’re going to take the best of the brightest regardless of category,” said Flournoy. “We’re not looking for particular specialty codes. We’re looking at how do we build leaders of the future.”
The courses associated with the RDEDB are available to Majors, Lt. Colonels and Colonels. They are separated into three categories: intermediate (O-4s), senior developmental education courses (O-5s and O-6s), and advanced studies group courses (O-4 and O-5s). These in-residence courses vary in length from 10 months to over a year and some may require a follow-on assignment. Overall, selections will be based on the needs of the Air Force Reserve followed by the individual’s school preferences.
The RDEDB is one of the many force development/educational opportunities Airmen are able to take part in.
“The goal of force development is to produce Citizen Airmen who possess the tactical expertise, operational competence and strategic vision to lead and execute the full spectrum of Air Force missions,” said Maestas “It provides a road map and focus for Air Force Reserve career development, building appropriate capabilities for Airmen to lead at all levels and execute current and future mission capabilities.”
For more information on the RDEDB and other educational opportunities HQ ARPC oversees, please see the Force Development page on the HQ ARPC website.

Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy speaks on developing resilient
leaders through education. Check out the video here!