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Reserve Unit Spouses Tour Cheyenne Mountain

Spouses and significant others of the 14th Test Squadron before they entered the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colo. August 4, 2018. The secretive base is best known as a NORAD facility and has been featured in several movies and television shows.

Spouses and significant others of the 14th Test Squadron before they entered the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colo. August 4, 2018. The secretive base is best known as a NORAD facility and has been featured in several movies and television shows.

Staff Sgt. Evan Gable explains how the Cheyenne Mountain Complex was built inside a mountain during the Cold War. Spouses and significant others from the 14th Test Squadron toured the secretive base August 4, 2018.

Staff Sgt. Evan Gable explains how the Cheyenne Mountain Complex was built inside a mountain during the Cold War. Spouses and significant others from the 14th Test Squadron toured the secretive base August 4, 2018.

Lt. Col. Adam Fisher explains the mission of the 14th Test Squadron to spouses and significant others prior to their tour inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colo. August 4, 2018.

Lt. Col. Adam Fisher explains the mission of the 14th Test Squadron to spouses and significant others prior to their tour inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colo. August 4, 2018.


Military spouses sometimes struggle to understand exactly what their service-member does on a daily basis because it’s often difficult to explain the type of work they do.

The mission-specific jargon and the secretive nature of the subject make communication somewhat demanding.

For members of the 14th Test Squadron, their mission became a little clearer to their spouses and significant others during a tour of Cheyenne Mountain August 4.

The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is located at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station near Colorado Springs, Colorado.

While owned and operated by Air Force Space Command, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station is perhaps best known as NORAD’s ultra-top-secret base created during the Cold War.

Sitting on five acres of land beneath 2,000 feet of granite, the complex features a wide array of safety counter-measures including a 25-ton blast door and the ability to withstand an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

Due to the polarizing reputation of Cheyenne Mountain, it has been featured or mentioned in movies such as “War Games,” the “Terminator” series, both “Independence Day” films, and the television show “Stargate SG-1.”

The spouses and significant others were educated on the specific mission of the 14th TS before they embarked on their tour.

That mission includes operational testing and evaluation for Air Force Space Command.

The 14th Test Squadron Commander, Lt. Col. Adam Fisher, said communication is often a barrier between a service-member and their spouse.

“It’s not always easy for them to explain some of the work they do. This was a unique way to show just one aspect of that work,” Fisher said.

Fisher said an added communication challenge for spouses is travel since 50% of the unit’s reservists live outside the command area.

Having their spouse leave for the weekend and not know what they’re doing can be difficult, Fisher explained.

“This whole event was created to help them understand what their service-member does during the drill weekend,” Fisher said.

He added that he hopes to continue to provide spouses with more opportunities to understand the unit’s mission.